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Powerflush Central Heating

Power flushing is an essential service to improve the efficiency of your central heating system. Over time, sludge, rust, and debris can accumulate in your pipes and radiators, reducing the system’s effectiveness. Our power flushing service clears out these blockages, restoring the flow of water and heat throughout your system. This process helps extend the life of your boiler and radiators, improves heating efficiency, and reduces energy bills. Our experienced engineers use advanced equipment to carry out power flushing, ensuring thorough cleaning without causing any damage. A clean central heating system provides consistent warmth and reduces the need for future repairs.

How Powerflush Cleans The Central Heating System
A Powerflushing pump is attached to the system. This pumps the cleanser throughout the entire central heating pipe work, including the radiators under pressure. This results in a central heating system that is free of debris including Iron oxide sludge & Limescale. We can complete a Powerflush of your central heating system in a single visit.