Terms of Business of Blueflow Plumbing & Heating trading as Granshaw & Sons ltd
For the purposes of these Terms of Business (hereinafter, “Terms”), “us” or “we” shall refer to Blueflow Plumbing & Heating and “you” shall refer to you, our customer. You have requested that we undertake certain works for you and, by allowing us to proceed with those works, you are indicating your agreement to the Terms set out below.
1. Estimate
The value of the estimate is what we expect to charge you for the works, based on our initial discussions. In the event of unforeseen circumstances or unexpected issues arising, it may be necessary to review the original price and provide you with a new estimate. You have the right to accept or decline the revised price.
2. Written Quotation
The written quotation follows the estimate and is the final price for the works discussed, including labour and materials, additional costs including expenses (if any) and tax. Any subsequent variation to the works (including, without limitation, if you change the scope or if unforeseen circumstances or unexpected issues arise) will likely result in a new or revised written quotation. You have the right to accept or decline the new quotation. Should you choose to decline, all works will cease and, on receipt of our invoice, you must pay in full for all works already completed in accordance with the original quotation.
3. Client Obligations
(i) if you and we agree that you will be responsible for providing the measurements for some or all of the materials and/or products needed for the works, you alone will bear the cost of replacing the said materials and/or products in the event the measurements are incorrect;
(ii) if you and we agree that you will be responsible for providing some or all of the materials and/or products needed for the works, you alone will bear the cost of replacement in the event the said materials and/or products turn out to be faulty and/or unsuitable;
(iii) you will inform us, prior to the works commencing, of any hazards or potential hazards known or suspected in or around the premises where the works are due to be carried out;
(iv) you will grant us access to the premises where the works are to be carried out and will ensure that all necessary consents, permissions and licences, if any, have been obtained in advance of the works commencing;
(v) you will ensure the safe and secure storage of any materials and/or equipment left (with your permission) at the premises during the works, and will be accountable to us for any loss of or damage to such materials and/or equipment;
(vi) without prejudice to 4(i) and 4(iii) below, you will (unless included as part of the quotation) be responsible for any necessary improvements to and/or redecorating of the premises following the completion of the works.
4. Supplier Obligations
(i) we will undertake the works with all due care, skill and diligence, will complete the works within a reasonable timeframe, and will ensure that we comply at all times with all applicable laws and regulations;
(ii) we will supply materials and/or products needed for the works (if any) that are of high quality and, without prejudice to 3(i) above, will take full responsibility for replacing any materials and/or products that prove to be faulty or substandard;
(iii) we will take good care of your property, furnishings and wall coverings and, on completion of the works, will remove any resulting waste material;
(iv) we will supply one or more, as necessary, of our dedicated team to undertake the works for you. Unless agreed otherwise, the person(s) supplied will be at our discretion and may or may not be the same as the person(s) who provided you with the original estimate and/or quote;
(v) we confirm that we hold, and will continue to hold, a valid and current Public Liability Insurance Policy and, where relevant, Employers Liability Insurance Policy.
5. Materials and Products
For the avoidance of doubt, all materials and/or products supplied and delivered to you during the course of the works shall remain the property of Granshaw & Sons ltd until such time as the works have been paid for in full by you, following receipt of our invoice. Title to such materials and/or products will transfer to you only when full payment has been received by us.
6. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be held liable for any delay or failure in fulfilling their obligations under these Terms where such delay or failure results from circumstances beyond that party’s control (including, but not limited to, an act of God, fire, act of government or state, prevention from or hindrance in obtaining any raw materials, energy or other supplies, industrial action or labour disputes of whatever nature, and any other reason beyond the control of that party).
7. Cancellation
Should you wish to cancel the contract between us in respect of the works, you have (in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Contract Regulations 2013) fourteen (14) days in which to do so following your acceptance of our quotation. You are obligated to pay for any services provided to you during this 14-day cancellation period, if any.
8. Payments
Full payment terms (including, where relevant, interval payments to be made by you) are as set out in the applicable quotation. For the avoidance of doubt, you agree to settle any undisputed invoice in full on completion of works and you further agree to pay us interest at a rate of [5]% above the Bank of England base rate per month on any payments not settled in accordance with these Terms and the terms of the applicable quotation.
9. Complaints
We hope and expect that you will have no cause to complain about any aspect of our service. If, however, there is anything at any point that does not meet your expectations, please do not hesitate to let us know and we will do our utmost to make things right.
10. Whilst all reasonable care will be taken during the execution of the works, no responsibility can be accepted for any faults or failures that may occur to existing pipework, fittings, equipment, etc. due to disturbance caused by the proposed works.
11. The attached estimate is based on a non-intrusive survey of the property and, as such, it is assumed that any existing systems that we connect to are in good condition and in working order. Should we find, during the course of the works, any faults with the existing systems we reserve the right to make a charge for correcting same. Should the client fail to mention any relevant facts relating to the existing installation we reserve the right to make a charge for correcting same.
12.Dismantling, clearing and re-in statement of any fitted cupboards, etc. to permit the proposed works to proceed will be charged at extra cost unless specified.
13. If, during the execution of the proposed works it is necessary to gain access into floors below fitted carpets, these will be lifted by us and laid back on completion. No re-stretching or fixing has been allowed for unless specified. For floors covered with thermoplastic tiles, vinyl sheet covering, cork tiles or laminate flooring, no allowance has been made for re-in statement unless specified.
14. During the execution of the proposed works, it may be necessary to isolate various water, gas & electrical services. This will be advised in good time and the period of isolation will be as short as possible.
15. Whilst all holes formed during the execution of the proposed works will be made good on completion, no allowance has been made for re-in statement of decorations. We do not guarantee to match existing brickwork where boiler flue terminals have been removed.
16. No allowance has been made for casing in of pipework or painting/decorating of the new works.
17. It has been assumed that unrestricted access to all relevant parts of the property will be afforded to us during the course of the works. Any delays caused by restricted access not notified at the time of survey may be subject to an extra charge and/or delay in completion.
18. Where other trades are involved in the works and these trades are not under our control any delays that may be caused to our progress by these trades may be subject to an extra charge and/or delay in completion.
19. Extra visits at the request of the Client or caused by circumstances beyond our control will be subject to a surcharge and may affect the completion date.
20. Ownership of any materials supplied, whether fixed or unfixed, shall not pass to the Client until payment in full has been received for said materials. We reserve the right to take whatever legal action may be necessary to secure payment for the works carried out and materials supplied either fixed or unfixed.
21. No allowance has been made for out-of-hours working unless specified or to suit our own requirements.
22. All dates or times given for the start of or duration of the works are given in good faith based on the information gained during the survey and our current workload commitments. These times may be varied, however, due to unforeseen circumstances i.e. emergency call-outs, breakdowns, etc. or to circumstances beyond our control. No liability will be accepted if it is not possible to meet clients timescales.
23. The works described in the estimate will be guaranteed for a period of twelve months from date of completion against faulty design and workmanship. The materials supplied will be subject to the suppliers/manufacturers guarantees. The Client’s Statutory Right in law are not effected by this guarantee. This guarantee does not extend to existing, installed equipment, pipework or fittings.
24. Whilst certain items may be specified by name or model, we reserve the option to supply goods of a different manufacture providing they shall be suitable for the purpose intended.
25. Any items or materials supplied by the Client or others for our fixing will be unpacked and inspected in the presence of the Client. Any faults found will be pointed out to the Client whose responsibility it will be to obtain replacement items. Any delays caused by faulty or damaged items may be chargeable, may result in us withdrawing from site and may affect the completion date of the works.
26. Any additional works that the Client requires to be carried out whilst the specified works are being executed will be charged at extra cost. An indication of such cost will be given and the Client’s agreement to same will be obtained before the additional works proceed.
27. This estimate is open for acceptance for a period of 30 days providing the works can be commenced within 90 days both periods from the date of estimate and thereafter may be subject to revision or withdrawal.
28. The price specified in this estimate does not include for the removal of any dangerous waste materials such as asbestos found when carrying out the works. This will be subject to an extra charge.
29. Acceptance of the Estimate confirms acceptance of these conditions whether that be via a deposit or email.
30. Prior to commencement of work involving gas appliances, the existing gas supply will be subject to a soundness test to check for compliance with Gas Safety Regulations. Any faults found will be advised to the Client and any rectification works required may be subject to additional charges.
31. Should the works include a powerflush of the existing heating system, it must be pointed out that, whilst this treatment is generally harmless, depending on the condition of the existing components the process may find weaknesses in the system. Should any such problems be encountered then any rectification works required may be charged at extra cost. The customer will be asked to sign a waiver confirming this point.
32. Should the works include a new combination heating boiler unit connected to an existing heating system, the Client should be aware that the higher pressures used by this type of boiler may find weaknesses in the existing system. Any repairs required in this respect are not included in this estimate. The customer will be asked to sign a waiver confirming this point.
33. This estimate does not include for any parking fees levied in Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ’s). Any such fees incurred will be passed onto the Client at cost.
34. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that all children and pets are kept away from the areas in which we are working.
35. If the proposed works are being carried out in a leasehold property it is the sole responsibility of the Client to ensure that all necessary permissions have been obtained in writing from the landlords/managing agents. We accept no responsibility whatever for any works carried out without the necessary permissions. We can furnish details of the proposed works if so required at possible additional cost.
Thank you for your business! We very much look forward to working with you.